Issue with reactivation of UiPath community edition

Installer(.exe or .msi):

License type(Free, Trial/License code): Free

Studio/Robot version:2018

Current behavior: Tried reactivating the community edition license by filling details on the

license reactivation page. Didnt work. UiPATH studio gives the error: “Device ID already activated. Trial not allowed after code activation”

Screenshot: image

Hi Saurabh,

Did you activate your Studio before with a Trial code? Or did you choose the Start free option?


I am experiencing a similar issue on my end. I did activate the trial code initially and started using the tool. A few days later, when I tried to open the program, it gave the same error.


If you can help with that, that would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Hafid,

Just to be clear: you have activated with Trial code, but now when opening Studio the licensing wizard appears again?

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