Issue with Dynamic selectors

We are facing some issues with selectors and due to this, we are unable to extract value from a webpage. Following are the Dynamic selectors w.r.t the field says Lang Spoken.

Selector 1:"<html app=‘chrome.exe’ title=‘Title Data (Part 2)’ /><webctrl css-selector=‘body&gt;form&gt;table&gt;tbody&gt;tr&gt;td&gt;table&gt;tbody&gt;tr&gt;td&gt;table&gt;tbody&gt;tr&gt;td&gt;table&gt;tbody&gt;tr&gt;td&gt;table&gt;tbody&gt;tr&gt;td&gt;table’ parentid=‘bpm04_layout_tbl’ tableCol=‘25’ tableRow=‘41’ tag=‘TABLE’ /><webctrl isleaf=‘1’ tableCol=‘2’ tableRow=‘2’ tag=‘TD’ />",

selector 2: "<html app=‘chrome.exe’ title=‘Title Data (Part 2)’ /><webctrl css-selector=‘body&gt;form&gt;table&gt;tbody&gt;tr&gt;td&gt;table&gt;tbody&gt;tr&gt;td&gt;table&gt;tbody&gt;tr&gt;td&gt;table&gt;tbody&gt;tr&gt;td&gt;table&gt;tbody&gt;tr&gt;td&gt;table’ parentid=‘bpm04_layout_tbl’ tableCol=‘29’ tableRow=‘88’ tag=‘TABLE’ /><webctrl tableCol=‘2’ tableRow=‘2’ tag=‘TD’ />",

selector3: "<html app=‘chrome.exe’ title=‘Title Data (Part 2)’ /><webctrl css-selector=‘body&gt;form&gt;table&gt;tbody&gt;tr&gt;td&gt;table&gt;tbody&gt;tr&gt;td&gt;table&gt;tbody&gt;tr&gt;td&gt;table&gt;tbody&gt;tr&gt;td&gt;table&gt;tbody&gt;tr&gt;td&gt;table’ parentid=‘bpm04_layout_tbl’ tableCol=‘25’ tableRow=‘42’ tag=‘TABLE’ /><webctrl isleaf=‘1’ tableCol=‘2’ tableRow=‘2’ tag=‘TD’ />"

Please note: Selector, as well as the User interface, may differ w.r.t the Input value.

Could you please explain me what you really trying to extract. I understand the selector is differing. Is the difference in the selectors that you provided are taken for same field but upon loading the page on refresh?

For such varying selectors, one thing i can suggest is use aaname with wild character and then do string manipulation to retrieve the value you are expecting.
in aboove example, create a selector only till table row and add aaname attribute in it like,
“<html app=‘chrome.exe’ title=‘Title Data (Part 2)’ /><webctrl parentid=‘bpm04_layout_tbl’ tag=‘TABLE’ /><webctrl tableRow=‘2’ tag=‘TR’ aaname=‘Lang Spoken’ />”

The data retrieved will be strLangSpoken = "Lang Spoken German "
Do string manipulation and remove the unwanted string, strLangSpoken = strLangSpoken.Replace(“Lang Spoken”, “”).Trim

Hope this works for you :slight_smile: