Issue with API Automation

HI Experts,

i am performing an API Automation and getting response as following:

Could not extract IN message body as type : interface javax.xml.transfform.source
Body is : org.apache.camel.component.cxf.converter.cachedCxfpayload@4c8cab9f

but when checked in SOAP we are getting response below:

how to fix this error and pull the data, pls Help…


You need to use soap request then


but SOAP Activity is removed right, as of the knowledge i had

There are 2 options for you:

  1. You can see this article: Generating code with Coded Workflows to send SOAP requests
  2. Try using Inject Js Script then use XMLHttpRequest
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My bad yes if you are using windows then generating and using coded workflow or. Code is the way


how to validate a element if it is returning any valu or if it is empty… tried few ways but nothing is working,c ould you pls suggest


as per error the keys you used might be wrong or null


the resultant value is null, that’s what i want to validate in IF condition!


First you can try this way

But generally if value is null the error might be something else and not object reference wrror

Mostly the node or the document variable itself is empty…check the same
