Issue while using 'Indicate on screen' due to disable of app and chrome title

title is disabled

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Welcome to Community :grinning:

Selector is showing valid only right.

Are you getting any error here or what ?

Hi @Hemantha

Welcome to o UiPath community buddy…

You can make enabled or include in your selector by clicking on title attributes at the right side buddy…on doing that it will get added to your selector buddy…


Yes I need to change the selector to click download yearly report

I tried on that way also still title is disabled

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Buddy are you trying to use a click activity that is used to click download yearly report,
Within a attach window or attach browser or any other container…if so the first node that is the first line of selector will disabled buddy as it is a partial selector…and dont need to worry about that buddy…to click the download yearly report…make sure the click is made on that element, and the selector has aaname atlast as the target element…thats fine buddy @Hemantha…you are going good actually…
To check with what i am saying…you can see the selectors of above click activity or other activities in the same container…the first line will disabled buddy @Hemantha

Were you able to click buddy… @Hemantha


Thanks for your reply! and this is what i am trying to do.Is this Correct?

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Now its working



Use UiExplorer for making selector more efficent. And then click Validate or Highlight options to check whether selector is valid or not.

Don’t use full selectors everytime. And also we have make dynamic selectors by using wild card entries like ‘*’ and ‘?’ and also we can pass variables into selectors.

Thats correct buddy @Hemantha, exactly, that was the reason why you were not able to get to the title…partial selectors…as it is been used inside a container… you were not able to make changes with first node of the selector, but indeed you can select the element whatever you want within that container, means within that page using any activity you want…and for changes you need you can do that in ui explorer as well…
Hope this helps you buddy