Issue in Get Transaction item activity

I am using Get Transaction item activity to fetch the data from queue
it giving me error -
Message: Cannot set unknown member ‘UiPath.Core.Activities.GetQueueItem.ContinueOnError’.

Exception Type: XamlObjectWriterException
I have attaches screen shot of error

Hey @rayan.jain7, actually you don’t need ‘Get Transaction Item’ so delete it but you need to pass WIList in ‘Get Transaction Data’ workflow in Main.xaml… hope you understood :slight_smile:

The problem is that you set ContinueOnError property to “True”. Deleting this property should solve the problem.

Actually we are not using Get Transaction Item as we are not using queue from orchestrator so you can delete that activity as pass WIList value as I suggested, here is screen print for your reference. Hope you understood and it help to resolved your issue. :slight_smile:


I want to get data from queue with the help of get transaction activity…
with the help of WIList how can i get the data from queue…
main problem is get transaction activity not working while getting data from queue

Sorry @rayan.jain7 I haven’t tried this way as it was not mentioned in PDD file, but you can try it and share your experience with me too… :slight_smile:

You can refer Orchestrator training which shows how to trigger queues. This will help you what you want to achieve.

Actully, I am doing second assignment in which i have to take data from queue with the help of Get Transaction item activity
As you are mentioned WIList which is used in first assignment…