Issue in filling out items details in Purchase Order in SAP T-Code ME21N

Dear Experts,

I am building a demo for my managers to show that a purchase order process in SAP can be automated using UiPath. While recording the steps I am stuck in the screen where we enter line item details for the purchase order. I have referred all the videos uploaded by UiPath on YouTube but unfortunately I still have not got the desired output. In the video the bot recognizes the element which it does not in my case.

The bot gets stuck after filling all the header details. It is unable to identify the line item elements, which I have highlighted in the below attachment. It throws an exception stating that the selector could not identify the element.

I have tried every option in the UiPath application but have gone nowhere. I need to show the demo to my manager by this Wednesday.

Please help me…

Nipesh Agrawal

If you’re enabling SAP Scripting the elements in the table will be detected.
Otherwise you should click relative to the Material (under) and use keyboard automation. Type+Tab+Type.... Be careful here as in SAP you’ll need to tune in some small delays before start typing.

Thank you for the reply. Looks like Type isn’t able to detect the fields. However, I have used the Tabs and somehow created the demo.

Thanks again for helping me out.
