Do we have any option for passing arguments from Test Manager to Test Case just like in Orchestrator → Testing → Test Cases?
like is there an option access Assets from Test Manager?
Your test project also can access assets and the test queue is also separate…get asset would work in that xaml also
What if you want to use different assets for different test runs?
Then plce the assets you want to read in a file and keep that file outside somwhere…nad control what assets to read
Very well. But how to control what assets to read at the moment of running the Test Set?
That is what is the config file for…read the config and then read the corresponding asset values only
Thanks for the quick response. Actually, I’ve been meaning a bit different thing.
Here is the case.
You have test set TS1 with test cases A and B.
Also, you have test set TS2 with test cases B and C.
Now you want to run TS1 on the UAT environment and TS2 on the Pre-PROD environment. This means you need to use different TestData and different configs and creds for connection.
How to accomplish that?
Depending on the env choose the config or use the same config but change the values in it as needed
What if somebody from the team runs TS1 while I am running TS2 and TestData is changed?
Is there a way to dynamically say automation to use particular values of test data, e. g. based on Custom Field defined within the Project and assigned to the Test Set?
Could you explain this in more details? How to assign the particular asset to the particular test set in Test Manager?
You would do it in the test xaml …and depending on what asset is used in which test case you can give values in assets
This is similr to your ref config where you add assests
The point is to be able to run any test case with different test data at the same time.
Is this possible?
Previously you said to maintain asset for test SET. Now this is asset for test CASE. I’m a bit confused.
Okay if that is the use case then you can use test queues …with different data
And how Test Case will know what item or what queue to consume in the runtime?
Then you need two test cases (if there are two environments) for every real test case just to cover this requirement.
It doesn’t work.
Any other options?
For each env you dont need a test case…same test case can be used in both…
only data need to change as per the env…so test data queue data will change
it would be good if you once try to implement as this has been an endless discussion without a trail