Is there anyway to select specific e.g. folder in desktop instead of using click activity?

Hi Guys! Is there any activities or etc that can click immediately to select specific e.g. folder or button in desktop pc instead of using click activity I know that it has a default delay of 0.3 seconds.


Hi @phoenix123

You can try Type Into activity to type the complete path of the folder in the address bar of File Explorer.

Hope this helps. Thanks and regards :slight_smile:

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Hello @phoenix123
the fastest way to open a folder would be to use a start process activity.You just have to type the path of the folder and it’ll open it


hi @phoenix123
If you want to select any file you can use Select File activity,
for folder there’s Select Folder activity,
and if you just want to select any button or any file icon, you can make use of Select Item activity.

But if you want to open any application, as @vickydas said you can use Start Process because there you can specify arguments (name of the file)

hope it will help you. :slight_smile:

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