Is there any way to debug code written in “Invoke Code” line by line just like VB.NET code?
To make more specific about my question above, I have written below Linq Query code in “Invoke Code” activity. It is giving error “Invoke code : Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.”
Through Linq query, I am trying get sum of column “Amount1” group by column “Column1”
Dim groups As IEnumerable(Of Decimal) = From j As Object In local_dtSelectedCustodianData.Rows
Where DirectCast(j, DataRow)(“Column1”).ToString.Trim.ToLower = “Val1”.ToLower
Group By x = New With {Key .AccID = DirectCast(j, DataRow)(“Column1”)} Into g = Group
Select g.Sum(Function(r) Convert.ToDecimal(IIf(DirectCast(r, DataRow)(“Amount1”) Is DBNull.Value, 0, DirectCast(r, DataRow)(“Transaction Amount Local”))))
msgbox (groups.FirstOrDefault.ToString)
And above code works perfectly well when I test it through VB.NET console application.