We have an element which is in header part of successfactor as shown in the below picture i need to click “Job Requisition” in unattended mode but bot is failing.
We have an element which is in header part of successfactor as shown in the below picture i need to click “Job Requisition” in unattended mode but bot is failing.
Welcome to the community
What error are youbfacing?
Try with click using hardware event
@Anil_G could you please explain hardware event means
i didn’t find input method in properties panel under click activity
What does “it’s failing” mean? Error? It thinks it’s clicking it but it’s not? Is it working when run in Studio? Are you using Click or Click Image?
By the way, since you mentioned Click Image it seems you’re still using classic mode. You should definitely be using modern, where there is no Click Image - all the different types of selector are built into the Click activity.
Simply saying to switch to hardware events is premature. We don’t even know what the issue is.
I dint simply say that…If you have successfactor please check it…simulates are not working so guess the same
in attended mode click and click image both activities are working fine while i am running from unattended mode it is failing not able to click that job requisition element
For click image acticity it is throwing error not able to find that element
How do we know simulate isn’t working? We don’t know if they are using simulate. Let’s get details before we start suggesting solutions.
You shouldn’t need Click Image. If Click is working attended but not unattended, then a couple things: has someone logged into the server with the robot account? If so, you have to sign out completely from the start menu, you can’t just close the RDP window. Try signing into the server with the robot account and then signing out. See if that fixes it.
If that doesn’t fix it, are you sure UiPath is installed on the server in service mode, not user mode? You can check by opening Studio (if it’s installed on the server) and going to Home, then down at the bottom it will tell you the version and whether it’s service or user mode.
If it’s in user mode, you need to reinstall in service mode. If it is service mode, then there could be an issue with the selector. Show us the selector you’re using for the Click activity.
@harika_k .can you please try with take screenshot activity present in UiPath.UIAutomationNext.Activities.NTakeScreenshot .Download this package and use this activity .You capture whole screen as well as particular part of screen. you can click in this way also. It work in unattended mode also .Please use save image activity after screenshot and pass the image object obtained from take screenshot activity .Also mention the file path with .png as extension to save the file.
you are not seeing because it is classic activity…you can set simulate and windowmessages to false and try
also did you happen to check the screenshot when bot failed?
is the control visible?
also did you try to signout the machien and then start the unattended run?
Can you explain in detail or if possible to get workflow for this?
Sandhiya P
So which one better, using classic activity or other which you have mentioned.
Sandhiya P
as of now as UiPath is migrating to modern its better to shift to modern but that needs to be done all over the project…
so if you can shift to modern else can go with classic as well
also please check the screenshot when failed to understand better