Is there a way to get only specific text via CV Get Text from a specific region of the CV screen?

I had passed the result of a CV Hover Image activity as an Input to CV Get Text activity and that region contains multiple text values but I want to look for a specific text only. If I remove the value from Input region it returns the correct result but if I pass the value in Input region, it returns all the text values from that region in Output result even though I had highlighted only a single one. How can I get the specific text value from a certain region only?

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Hey @aditi1

Could you please show some screenshots, will be helpful…


@Nithinkrishna Attached is the screenshot. So in OCR Text Exist activity, if I want to specify location or region where this text needs to be there, how can I do that?

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That’s where clipping region comes into action.

You can use that to mention the position as screen co-ordinates.

But this is not a first recommended method as it rely on screen resolution and scaling stuff.

When you indicate and set your text to ocr activities or may be CV it will help identifying the text by ocr methods irrespective of the where the element is located.

So please think twice before going to clipping region.


So, are you saying even if I give the co-ordinates, it won’t take that into consideration when it identifies the elements using OCR or CV?

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Yes, at that time clipping region will be least considered.

Then when will it get considered and what is it used for?

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If you want to find something with position.

Not a mandatory param which will be used as supportive param instead.

But if there is a situation you want to use position as primary then that can be also possible using this.

So how do you make the position as primary if you want to use it as primary?

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Instead of using indicate image or element just try selecting an area on the screen please…