Is there a sample activity to log in to for our office365 accounts

We use Office 365 and Azure. Most of our services need us to login to before it redirects to the appropriate destination site.

At one point, the browser opens a popup attached to the browser (near the top center) and that the elements on that popup do not lend themselves to type into or click activities. It behaves like an image like as if it were a remote server. Any ideas on how to “indiciate” those boxes with the type into activities or the click activities? I tried Computer Vision and it seems erratic.

Just a suggestion, If the pop up will close if we send the hot key like escape or enter, you can try those @savantsa

I need to use that pop up to log in. I can’t close that.

I fixed it with image automation, like you would do with a remote desktop, even though it is not a remote computer.

Could you add a simple process that shows your login. You can use a dummy account within.