Is there a possibility to publish results of jobs of Processes from UiPath Orchestrator to Grafana (To View results in Graphical form)

Is there a possibility to publish results of jobs of Processes from UiPath Orchestrator to Grafana (To View results in Graphical form)
It is like Connecting UiPath to Grafana
May be Using API?

Do we have API for UiPath Orchestrator ?

yes, here is the API:

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Thank you… So is there a possibility to publish results of jobs of Processes from UiPath Orchestrator to Grafana (To View results in Graphical form) using API?

Other potential options you could explore are: Webhooks and NLog (If you have a private orchestrator or want to modify your Robot’s configuration)

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Hi @codemonkee , Sorry, The Client needs Grafana as the Monitoring tool to view the Jobs results in Graphical representation in Dashboard

Yes… Im not sure how Grafana works. Does it have its own database where it stores the log events or does it rely on other sources’ repositories?

Hello Rajesh,
You can see in this movie how Orchestrator sends this information to MS Teams including the OutPut Arguments:

Cristian Negulescu

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