Is Recording not reliable on different systems?

UiPath has been an amazing tool compared to its peers due to its simplicity and power.

I have an issue with the Recorders in UiPath Studio.
Iam trying to automate MS Word doc operations. After opening an MS word document, i try to apply bold style to some text. I use “Basic” Recording for this.
After selecting Bold push button and specifying Italic button as its Anchor image, the bold style applies successfully on my machine.
However, when I run the same project on a different machine, the Italic Anchor image is not detected. On capturing a new image for Italic on this machine, it succeeds. The same issue happens for Bold button.

What’s the cause for this issue?. Are recorded images not reliable across systems? Do selectors have a problem here?

The selector for the Italic Anchor image is:
“<wnd app=‘winword.exe’ cls=‘OpusApp’ title=‘test1 - Word’ />
<wnd cls=‘NetUIHWND’ idx=‘1’ />
<ctrl name=‘Ribbon’ role=‘property page’ />
<ctrl name=‘Lower Ribbon’ role=‘pane’ />
<ctrl name=‘Home’ role=‘property page’ />
<ctrl name=‘Font’ role=‘tool bar’ />
<ctrl name=‘Italic’ role=‘push button’ />”

I understand that selectors represent the window hierarchy of a control.

BTW, We use the same MS Word 2016 on both the machines.

Hi @satishkumar,

I am assuming that you are not using Image automation to do the task.
There is one thing I have noticed in selectors that the title of the window. Can you check that and use wild (*) if required.

Also, when you say it is not working, What is the error you are getting? Can you give the exact error in order to check and advise further?


Thanks for the reply.

I don’t use ‘click image’ option. I use Basic recording and capture the click event on bold button.

I do however change the captured image using ‘change informative screenshot’ option. New image has only the bold button without any adjacent elements like underline, italic. Anchor image has only italic button.

Wildcard wouldn’t be required as I use the same document on both the machine s.

The error we got is ‘Ui element not found’ exception.


This is nothing to do with error as its just info for the user .Doesn’t make any changes in the selector but it only add one more image in screenshot folder.

It clear says that problem with unreliable selector. Make use of UiExplorer and pass the selector to click activity rather than using recording.

The best practice is to use inbuilt MS word shortcut keys and pass in send hotkey activity.

Thanks Dilip.

That sounds fair and good.

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