I created 2 arguments
String DateS= dateTime.Now.addDays(count).toString(“yyyy-Mm-dd”)
Int count=0
And gives me an error with count is not declared!
Can you help me please
I created 2 arguments
String DateS= dateTime.Now.addDays(count).toString(“yyyy-Mm-dd”)
Int count=0
And gives me an error with count is not declared!
Can you help me please
1st the Mm should be MM for the month
2nd check whether you are passing arguments correctly
Check as below
Hope this helps you
Ur count is it an argument?
The date I declared it an argument
And it’s keep displaying an error
I can’t share it bc I’m working on a server
But the workflow is going like this
Sequence > while loop (which is the dateS and count is located)> sequence > invoke workflow ( i need to use dateS and count here which is the reason to put arguments instead of variables