Is it possible to get the exact captcha with OCR in UiPath

Hi all

I have a query regarding captcha reading using UiPath OCR

I have tried this using UiPath first i have taken screenshot of the captcha using take screenshot activity
After that using Tesseract OCR I am getting correct output only two or three times out of 10 inputs.

The OCR system is failing to accurately recognize text when there are letters with minimal visual differences, such as lowercase c, s, p, u, and their uppercase counterparts C, S, P, U.

Would you like some tips on improving OCR accuracy or troubleshooting this issue further?

The image contains black text "5H5u i" on a gradient background that transitions from light to dark. (Captioned by AI)

Hi @sreekanth.dp

Can you try with OmniPage OCR activity


Hi @sreekanth.dp

You can try the UiPath screen OCR. Here you can add the condition if the captcha not enetered correctly add the retry condition


Gowtham K

thanks for the replay

I have installed this package but I am not getting the OmniPage OCR in the activities panel



You need to download UiPath.OmniPage.Activities package


yes I have tried this but not working it is giving the incorrect output

Captcha is literally designed to stop robots from being able to solve them. That’s the purpose of Captcha.

There are third party options, I suggest searching the forum as there are tons of posts on this already.