Is it Possible to Delete Multiple Entity Records?

Hello! Me again. Hope the community is having a great day.

As usual, I come with one more question related to apps and leveraging its capabilities. I was wondering if it’s possible to delete multiple entity records? (which amount of records can vary a lot) based of course on a condition related to a field.

Maybe @Arvind_Kumar1 has the answer for this one?

Thank you very much once again.

Hello @Luis_Fernando ,

Unfortunately not , we don’t have any loop or multiple records delete rules right now. Unless you go and delete manually from data service entity.

May be once For each rules in place then we can do this.


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Directly from apps we cannot…but you can pass the required entity id’s and trigger a process where you have option to delete multiple entity records at a time based on the id’s

Note: delete multiple records has a limit of 1000 so you can do in batches of 1000 in the process



Are for each rules be implemented in Apps?

@Luis_Fernando ,

Its not right now but its on Roadmap for this year. Meanwhile you can do one by one or you need to do from process by using batch delete or you can go manually in data service and delete max 50 records at once.


@Anil_G Hello Anil! Thank you for your feedback. I´ll check that possible solution.

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