Is it possible to change CV Control type?

Hello Forum,

I am currently working on a SAP Automation and, unfortunately, I had had to remake a lot of the clicks when changing to a production environment.

Regardless, now that I’m remaking the clicks I have been working a lot with Computer Vision and I have a doubt regarding the CV Control type of both the Get Text and Type Into activities. As it says in the title, can you change the Control type? What do I mean by this?
In a Get Text activity when using CV I always get “AnyWordGroup” in CV Control type like in the following screenshot:

And in a Type Into activity when I select where I want to type the CV Control type is set to Text and I would like to change it to AnyWordGroup because I don’t care what’s already written I just want to type something else.

Can I change this or is there a way to just type into it regardless of what there is already there?

Thank you.

Hi @ulises.ariza
Unfortunately it appears it’s something we overlooked.
You can do these kind of changes in the Computer Vision activities (CVGetText, CV TypeInto), but not in the Modern selection.
It would be possible to edit the xaml directly till we add the option to edit them in the properties panel.
One question: What would you want to change the AnyWordGroup option in GetText?

I could work with Classic Activities with no issue, I was using the Modern selection to be consistent throughout the project.

I don’t really want to change the option in GetText, the doubt it’s all related to the Type Into but I guess having the option it’s a good thing.

What I’m doing with both activities is the following: I use GetText with CV then I compare that string to another string I have from a DataTable and if the values are different, I use TypeInto to type the string from the DataTable.

From my experience in this situation, when using TypeInto with the CV Control type as Text with an specific value (in this case it’s a string with the value “0,0086”) it feels like I can only TypeInto there when the value is “0,0086” and this value is dynamic.

I hope I have explained myself correctly, any doubts don’t hesitate to ask.

Thank you for your help.

You make perfect sense with the TypeInto. On Inputbox for example we strip away the text just for that reason.
Would it be possible to share a screenshot for the TypeInto activity area? I’m curious if there are other CV controls that you could “attach” to.

Regarding the Get Text, in Classic we have the option to select Word or WordGroup (which we automatically merge). In the Modern experience we saw that everyone uses the WordGroup option so we just wanted to go with that by default. I’m wondering if you think you need a single Word as an option for the GetText


This is the area where I’m trying to use the TypeInto activity.

The red square is where I’m using the GetText activity to get the value and compare it to the value from the DataTable and where I want to TypeInto the new value if the compared values are not the same. The blue square is what I’m using as an anchor for both activities.

This is what I have in the TypeInto properties.

Edit: Second part of the TypeInto Properties