Is fles exist?

I have 3 files in a folder e.g A.xlsx,B.csv,C.xls and i want to check that all Files are exist? if yes then only proceed…please help

Hi @Hemant_Deshmukh

Try this:
vbFilesExist = (From file In Directory.GetFiles("YourFolderPath") Where {"A.xlsx", "B.csv", "C.xls"}.Contains(Path.GetFileName(file)) Select file).Count = 3

vbFilesExist is of DataType System.Boolean.

→ Use an If condition

    \\ Do required process
     \\ Do required process
End If

Hope it helps

Hi @Hemant_Deshmukh
Test the following project! (3.2 KB)



You can try this

Directory.GetFiles("FolderPath").ToArray.all(Function(a) arr_str.Contains(path.GetExtension(a.ToString)))


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Assign Activity
arrCheckFiles | DataType: String Array =


Assign Activity:
arrFileNames =

new DirectoryInfo("YourFolderPath").GetFiles().Select(Function (x) x.Name).toArray

We can check by
arrCheckFiles.All(Function (x) arrFileNames.Contains(x))

Hi @Hemant_Deshmukh ,

you can use linq in assign activity to check if these 3 files exist in a folder. add the linq result to a boolean variable.

Directory.GetFiles(“C:\Users\sneha.vijayan\Documents\UiPath\demo2\demo”).Count(Function(file) Path.GetFileName(file) = “a.xlsx” OrElse Path.GetFileName(file) = “B.csv” OrElse Path.GetFileName(file) = “c.xls”) = 3

thank you so much its working…can you add one more condition for all files-LastWriteTime.Date = Now.Date) ?

Hi @Hemant_Deshmukh

Do you want it in same condition if yes below is the condition:

vbFilesExist = (From file In Directory.GetFiles("YourFolderPath") Where {"A.xlsx", "B.csv", "C.xls"}.Contains(Path.GetFileName(file)) AndAlso File.GetLastWriteTime(file).Date = DateTime.Now.Date Select file).Count = 3


(From fi in new DirectoryInfo("YourFolderPath").GetFiles()
Where fi.LastWriteTime.Date = now.Date
Select f = fi.Name).toArray

and we can check as done above

I am getting below error.
"getlastwritetime"is not memeber of string

Hi @Hemant_Deshmukh

Try this:

vbFilesExist = (From file In Directory.GetFiles("YourFolderPath") Where {"A.xlsx", "B.csv", "C.xls"}.Contains(Path.GetFileName(file)) AndAlso System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(file).Date = DateTime.Now.Date Select file).Count = 3


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[BC30512: Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from ‘Boolean’ to ‘Integer’. The selected value is incompatible with the property typ]

our vbFilesExist is boolean veriable…

Hi @Hemant_Deshmukh

Do you want both in seperate conditions or in one condition. THe condition which i have given, the output variable is of DataType System.Boolean.


sorry that solution was correct …thank you

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You’re welcome @Hemant_Deshmukh

Happy Automation!!

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