I have a really simple sequence that runs fine in isolation, but does not work when invoked as part of a larger workflow, see screen shots below.
My entire process is to login to a website, download a file and click save as to save the file.
The first part of the workflow (Login and download SP1-4) executes without error and Sequence 1 executes without error when run in isolation after Login and download SP1-4 has been run.
But, when I combine the workflows, I get an error message which is also shown below.
It doesn’t make sense to me why the image is found when run in isolation, but not when added to the larger workflow. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
As a follow up question, how do I write a condition, that if the below warning box appears, click Yes and if the box doesn’t appear, continue on with the workflow.
This robot will Open a Notepad and Save the file to As D:\test.txt.
If the robot executed for the second time, Notepad will inform that the file exist.
The robot use the Find Element to detect the MessageBox Warning from Notepad.
@lakshman Thanks. I tried this set up but didn’t seem to work. For Image Exists, I set up a variable called imageexists, then in the Flow Decision set the condition as imageexists=true. Can you suggest how I should change the workflow?