Invoke Python Method: Error invoking Python method

Hi Team,

Am getting below error while Invoking Python method. Could you please advise on this.

Invoke Python Method: One or more errors occurred. (Error invoking Python method)

Yuvarani D

Share your python script


please run in debug mode and open the exception details from there and chck… you will see the exact exception


Please find the script below,
Result: output variable of resume
WordJD: output variable of JD

import re
def processing(Result, WordJD):
jd = WordJD.split(“,”)
print(jd, “\n”, Result)
jd = [i.strip() for i in WordJD]
result1 = re.split(r’[|]‘, Result)
lis =
k = 0
for i, j in enumerate(result1):
if ‘:’ not in j and k != 0:
lis[k - 1] = lis[k - 1] + j
k = len(lis)
result = “|”.join(lis)
result = re.split(r’[:|]', result)
result = [i.strip() for i in result]
values = [j.strip() for i, j in enumerate(result[:12]) if i % 2 != 0]
k = 12
for i in jd:
if i in result[12:]:
p = result.index(i)
values.extend([result[p], result[p + 1]])
for num, k in enumerate(result[12:]):
if i in k:
values.extend([i, result[12:][num + 1]])

out = "|".join(values)
return out