Internet headers from email

Sorry for another quick post. Extracting email.headers doesn’t give me what I want. I would like to retrieve out Internet Email Headers from an email. it can be found by double clicking the email, click on File, Properties… internet Headers. An example of it can be found in the image below.


Other than using click to retrieve out these headers… Is there any other way which will make the code look neater? Thanks In Advance.

Does anyone know how to solve this issue without the use of click?

Hello, I also need to read internet mail headers without click. I need to read SPF value (or better filter e-mail with SPF value) and didn’t find any way, how to get this value.


The original post is quite old, but I could not find a solution to this on the forum and would also like to know if it is at all possible to grab the information shown in post #1.


I need this as well… Is there a solution?
