Internet explorer menubar opening automatically

Hi All,

I am encountering a problem with the existing automation.
This problem is recurring occasionally. The automation is searching for particular ID. The issue is that sometimes menu bar of the internet explorer gets openup and when automation tries to type the id menu bar open internet explorer as id contains “to” in starting of it.

Seeking urgent help on this topic.

Thanks in advance

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The menu bar is typically invoked by sending the Alt hotkey. Make sure your automation isn’t sending the Alt key to the browser.



Looks like you are passing the hot key Alt as mentioned by @Anthony_Humphries… If not, just make sure whether that key is accidentally activated or pressed in the keyboard…

Try doing this manually also and see whether the menu bar is opening…


Hi @Anthony_Humphries I have this check point already before posting the question. Automation is not using hot key in entire project. This is strange for me as well why internet options always get pop-up using menubar

Hi @Lahiru.Fernando , I have check this point but in project no hotkey operation is used and neither the key is accidently activated or pressed. This problem also comes occasionally , it don’t appear in every run.