Intelligent OCR exceptions

Hello! I have problem with intelligent OCR activities. Whey i trying to use IntelligentOCR Scope i catch this exception:

This exception is about incompatibility of x64 system and x32 components. But i can not find information how can i install x32 version without buying license.

When i delete scope i got other exception:

Again its all about license.

How can i use IntelligentOCR without license?

@loginerror, @Pablito I have the same problem.
Help in resolving, please.

Hi @Jom4ick

What is your version of the activity package? Could you try updating to the latest version?
I believe I’ve seen this error before and it was fixed by installing the most up to date IntelligentOCR package.

Hi @Jom4ick @Timoshenko,
Please check here the official docs related to Intelligent OCR Scope. There is mention about which ABBYY SDK’s needs to be installed etc. I think problem might be related to this.

I using last version of UIPath Studio and all packages

Well how can i install Abbyy without purchase license?

There’s no possibility. This is one of the requirements. But I mentioned about SDK package for ABBYY which is mentioned in our docs.