I keep on getting this error after running my workflow with previosly added Intelligent OCR scope.
Hello @kuzinyd,
Do you have Abbyy FlexiCapture installed and licensed?
If you want to see the latest IntelligentOCR capabilities without using Abbyy FlexiCapture, please have a look at this: How to use the IntelligentOCR Package
Do let me know if it works for you,
Hi @Ioana_Gligan,
Thank you for you response and yes I have it installed and licensed. Since I found your shared .zip appealing, I want to reconsider the whole logic of the project. Beforehand I’d love to know whether I can apply used logic for different in their origin pdf documents. I am talking about pdfs apart from financial reports. As far as I understand - taxonomy is the key, or am i wrong? Following this logic, since i build taxonomy for a batch of files i work with i can: Digitize, Clasify, Extract and Train? Is it also apllied to documents in cyrillic language?
By the way output of the omni ocr within read pdf activity happen to give some “abrakadabra” output from time to time.
Hello @kuzinyd,
yes, you will need to define whatever types of documents you want to use, in the taxonomy manager.
Please send me a sample file where OmniPage is really getting things wrong, we’d like to investigate this.
Right, i’ll PM you
I also got same issue.
Have you resolve the issue?