Installing UIPath Community Edition on another laptop due to change of laptop

Hi, I have installed the community edition of UIPath on my personal laptop. Now, I have to change my laptop as the old one broke down. Can I register UIPath on the new laptop using the same email id? Or will the system throw an exception as the email id is already used to register on my old laptop?

Hi @shankar1324

Welcome to uipath community buddy
May i know which version you are using right now
Cheers @shankar1324

Hi @Palaniyappan, I am using 2018 version. I recently purchased a new laptop and wanted to install UIPath on it.

Yes we need to mention different mail id while trying to install with another laptop in case
Cheers @shankar1324

Thanks @Palaniyappan

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Kindly try and let know buddy
and if this works close this topic with right comment marked as solution that could help others looking for ideas under your topic
Cheers @shankar1324

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