I have a scenario where the goal is to reduce the number of VM’s. The development instance of Orchestrator is up and running and it is tied into the independent NuGet server. The load on Dev and what is expected on the Test instance is light. It is going to be quite some time before there is any concern about load here. Since the VM hosting the Dev Orchestrator web site is not be pressured for resources, is it possible to install the Test instance of Orchestrator on that same VM?
This is a fully licensed installation, not a trial version. The URL’s for each Orchestrator instance that are planned clearly indicate the SDLC level for each. All Orchestrator instances will be using the independent NuGet server. The Dev instance of Orchestrator is pointed to a custom named DB on a separate server. The Test instance of Orchestrator would be pointed to a differ named DB. SSL certificates are for the corporate domain and use wildcards. The production instance of Orchestrator will be done on its own stand-alone VM, it is just Dev and Test instances that the goal is to consolidate and place both web sites on the same VM.
Does anyone have any experience getting this kind of installation set-up?