Installation Windows 10 - System.Windows.FrameworkElement.Style exception

hi everybody,

my PC was updated to Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise and I’m unable to open any document (also default of the Framework) or create a new document in UiPath ever since.

I already de-installed and installed again UiPath, I installed all available packages, started my PC several times, the error message stays the same.

My IT servicedesk cannot really help me, they confirmed to me though that installation of Windows 10 was successful and indeed UiPath is the only software not running properly.

I use version UiPath Studio Pro Version 2016.2.6442 (available to my company), I’m doing currently Level 3 in my training and cannot continue because of the technical problems.


I could not really find any hint in the Forum yet and I’m running out of ideas what to do.

Thanks to anyone, who can help me.

Looks like problem related to .Net framework, can you reinstall the .Net framework which is compatible with the UiPath version that you have installed ?

I’ll ask IT to do it and give it try.

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