install HAA manually in offline mode

How to install HAA manually in offline mode ?

Install HAA manually in offline mode

Prior to installation part please make sure that all the perquisites part for each VM are accomplished as per

Next step will be to download or upload the tar file from to your VMs

Extract the tar file tar -xvf haa-2.0.0.tar.gz and after the extraction finishes make the file executable by running the command chmod +x

Now the installation can proceed by running the file

After the installation finishes open a web browser and access the URL listed.

Because this is the first node , a cluster will have to be created and given it the generic “uipath.local” name

On secondary VM you need to do the same prerequisites steps and also install HAA as per below.

When the installation finishes open in a web browser the URL listed.

At this moment select “Join cluster” and use the IP address of the first node along with the credentials set previously for the cluster and hit next.

For the third node you can simply use the same steps that you followed for the secondary one.

In case there are multiple network adapters attached to the VM you can define which can be used for internal/external traffic as per below example (this is optional).

In the nodes tab it will appear with multiple IPs.

As can seen in the example you can access the web management console through the third VM using its external public connection.

At this step you need to setup the redis DB.

All the steps are covered in the below screenshots.

Keep in mind that the port 10000 needs to be setup manually along with the name of the DB , its memory limit (3 GB is enough) and also Replication must be enabled.