Install Extention-Browser error

Good day everyone,

I am using studio 2020 and I am trying to use application browser activity but it keeps on saying I should install extension but it is already installed and when I click ‘continue’ it shows this url in studio:

The url it shows is not the one I highlighted,what do I put in arguments?, and also when using the ‘type into’ it does not highlight the specific element it highlights the whole page…please help

Hi @Anelisa_Bolosha1

I think pop up blocker is disabling the chrome extension. Either disable the pop up blocker or tell your company admin to whitelist this extension.

For more info check this link
Studio - Chrome Extension troubleshooting (

Hope this helps :slight_smile:


  1. Browser Extension Issue:

    • Check if the UiPath extension is enabled in the browser.
    • Reinstall the extension if needed.
    • Use Attach Browser activity, and in Arguments, set BrowserType to “IE” or “Chrome” accordingly.
  2. Selector Issue (Type Into):

    • Refine the selector for the “Type Into” activity to target the specific input field.
    • Use UiExplorer to generate a more accurate selector if necessary.

Hello @Anelisa_Bolosha1

  1. Extension Installation:
  • Ensure the UiPath extension is installed and enabled in your browser. Reinstall it if necessary. Restart both UiPath Studio and your browser.
  1. Arguments for Application Browser:
  • Set the correct web application URL in the URL property of the “Open Browser” or “Attach Browser” activity.
  1. Type Into and Element Highlighting:
  • Use UiExplorer to inspect and adjust the selector for the “Type Into” activity. Ensure the selector is specific to the target input field.

Thanks & Cheers!!!


Check the extension of chrome is installed correctly or not
uninstall the UiPath Extension first, then reinstall the extension. then please close the UiPath Studio and open it again.

refer below document for chrome troubleshooting

UiPath Studio

Chrome Extension Troubleshooting

This page presents the most frequent reasons for which the UiPath Extension for Chrome might not work properly, and how to solve these issues. Check if the Extension for Chrome is installed and enabled In Google Chrome, navigate to…


  1. Please reinstall the extension.
  2. Check activity arguments i.e. correct browser is selected.
  3. You can try installing extension by modifying the UiPath setup file instead of installing it from studio.
  4. If you are using incognito, make sure allow in incognito is selected.

Cheers !

Not really been trying to find a way, I disabled the blocker in task manager I see this:

Is your browser managed by the organization that you work for if yes, then You can’t change this setting yourself, but your network administrator can set up or remove the pop-up blocker for you.

Hi @AJ_Ask I did disable the pop-up blocker…but I think the problem is with UiPath extension…I need to un-install and re-install the extension again

Hello @AJ_Ask , How do I do step 3 please guide me on how to

Hi @Anelisa_Bolosha1

Check this link:

Studio - Extension for Chrome (