The arguments you specified in the query should exactly match the Parameters you pass both in name and datatype.
For the query,
Update PurchaseOrderLineItems Set Status = @paramStatus where ID=@paramID
hi @Madhavi Thank you for solution it’s worked.Will you tell me how to dump this data into database. In my database table wrong values are inserted. I want to enter diffrent values.
Following is my query
“INSERT Into dbo.FlipkartData
(‘@Names’, ‘@Numbers’, ‘@Ratings’)”
My table is like below
But I want insert scraped data into database scraped data is in excel file.sample1.xlsx (9.1 KB)
following is my code structure
flipkartDataToMySql.xaml (17.9 KB)
will you please help me
@swapnali1 remove ‘’ from your parameters.
"Insert into FlipkartData ([Names],[Numbers],[Ratings]) VALUES (@Names, @Numbers, @Ratings)”
@Madhavi ok. I will try
After removing " I got following error
Can you please add your table schema and a screenshot displaying the parameters you are passing?