Hi Everyone,
I´m pretty much new to UIPath and I have the following problem within a project i need to realize.
I want to create a Input Dialog in which the options are displayed from a Data Table. To be more specific, the options are the subjects of emails.
So I created a Data Table with “Get Outlook Mail Messages” and a “for each” activity. I now have a Data Table with 3 columns: ID (which counts +1 with every element), Subject (Subject of the Mail), From (Mail adress of the sender.
As you can See the number of Mails and therefore the amount of rows will change depending on the inbox.
Now the problematic part: How can I put the Subject Cells of that Data Table as options in the Input Dialog? I can´t just use the Data Table in the “Options” Cell since it seems to be the Wrong Variable Type.
I found 2 solutions here, which I couldn´t really follow:
Solution 1
In this solution I “converted” the Data Table to String with the “Output Data Table” activity, but I couldn´t split it as the mentioned because it is not really explained how to do it.
Solution 2
I looked at the file attached and tried to recreate it, but again there seems to be a problem with the variable type, because i can´t use the “Collection” in the “Options” of the Input Dialog.
I thought the solution should be fairly easy to find but unfortunately I wasn´t able to solve it.
Thanks in advance!