Infrastructure for Orchestrator Support level

Hello ,
I would like to ask if we have only 5 VMs for production Orchestrator 2 VMs for Orchestrator as cluster and 2 VMs for High availability add on and one VM for Elastic search and kippana , My question is : In case of we need a support from UIpath side , we will have the same level of support of the Normal infrastructure standard production of UIpath or not.

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Hey @Mahmoud_Ammar

please follow this link, as documentation mentioned

Multi-node Orchestrator deployments are supported by UiPath only if the UiPath High
Availability Add-on
is used.

I think you can get the same support on your High availability deployment if you are using the HAA in this deployment.

Note: please follow this link, that the documentation mentioned requiring at least 3 HAA nodes , I don’t know if your using the 2 HAA node instead of 3 node has been impacting for the support.

I think the UiPath sales team will give you a correct answer :grimacing:

You will receive the same level of Support and Guidance, however if an issue is determined to be caused by a non-standard installation or setup they’ll most likely recommend bringing it into alignment with any recommended requirements.

I’ve recently reached out for a similar use case however it was specific to Computer Vision and the version of Python they currently support. In our case we can upgrade, but if we run into an issues and the cause is determined to be the untested version of Python they would ask us to revert to the known working version before proceeding with additional troubleshooting.

The risk you run of only deploying 2 nodes for HAA (aka Redis) is that if those two nodes stop communicating with each other than they both are likely to try and promote themselves to be the Master Node which can lead you into other troubles with your data. You need at least 3 nodes (or more, odd number) with Redis to form a quorum in a cluster.

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