in_WIList page 10, Assignment 1 Level 3

Hi, I’m doing assignment 1 in Level 3 I believe. I’m in page 10 of walkthrough.

“Add an input argument for the array of Work Items.” - Where do I get the values for this? I read from other posts that GetTransactionData should be invoked from main but I don not see that anywhere in the document. Or maybe I have not reached that point yet.

Below is my in argument but I don’t know where to get the value.

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Hi @jffeudo86

The output should come from the Extract_WIList workflow.
Please find this one in the documentation:
The out argument of that workflow is a DataRow:

Please let me know if this helps or you have any clarifications.
Thanks :slight_smile:

I have WIList as a variable on the main axml but it’s not accessible to GetTransactionData. WIList is already populated on a previous flow, init state. The highest level of “accessibility” for WIList is General Business Process. That’s really what prompted my question.

Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.

I got it now. It’s actually invoked on the Get Transaction Data state, so that the value of in_WIList is furnished by the invoking process.

Thank you for the time helping out.

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