I Can Scroll down in SAP using Send hot key but bot is not able to know when the page end has reached. I need to do Scroll using Page down and take screenshot of each page till end.
Please help here.
I Can Scroll down in SAP using Send hot key but bot is not able to know when the page end has reached. I need to do Scroll using Page down and take screenshot of each page till end.
Please help here.
Hi @shalu.mittal ,
Try using Set Focus Activity
I tried that Pradeep. Its not working.
HI @LevKushnir , Could you please help here. I want to do page down and take Screenshot but how to identify we have reached end of page and stop taking screenshots. Can i use anything to check we have reached end of page? like checking scrol percent reached 100% or something else?
Tell me more:
Thanks, Lev
btw. here we have discussed the scrolling of the page Recording in SAP - How to select option when scrolling necessary in pop up window - #11 by KaldahlConsulting
Hey @LevKushnir , Thank you for responding. Please find details below:
SAP Logon for Windows
760 Final Release
Its for transaction /SM37
Page End Screenshot
Uipath version i am using is 2019.10.4 and Ui-automation package is 20.4.3
Usecase is: I need to do page down and take Screenshot of all pages till the end of Page and paste the screenshots in a Word document.
Challenge for me is: Not able to identify if end of page is reached as i cannot apply element exists/image exists to check as the content is dynamic.
can you automate the robot to use the search function to search for the an element on the bottom on the screen? Then the robot should scroll down and focus that element automatically. This is how i avoid scrolling down on my SAP.
Im not sure if it will work on your version you can try it
Could you find a solution ?
Hello Gilles,
you can use another way to realize that. Use this approach from here and your action sub routine could looks like this:
'-Sub Action------------------------------------------------------------
Sub Action(session)
Dim vertScrollBar, cntScrollDown
Set vertScrollBar = session.findById("wnd[0]/usr").VerticalScrollbar
vertScrollBar.Position = vertScrollBar.Minimum
cntScrollDown = CStr(0 - Int(0 - (vertScrollBar.Maximum / vertScrollBar.Range)))
WScript.Echo cntScrollDown
End Sub
We get the object of the vertical scroll bar, set its position to the minimum and calculate how often the key down button must pressed to reach the end of the table. In my example I tried it with the TAC SE16.
Maybe not so elegant, but you get the information you need.
Best regards