in Re framework - InitAllSetting, need a Logic to see if mentioned asset in Config is missing from orchestrator - need to send a mail with missing asset name.
In the catch part of try Catch block in initAllsettings you can send the mail specifying the asset name.
Hi @Gagan_Chaudhari,
You can add a workflow to send email in this if block within InitAllSettings:
Hope that helps !
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I am sending the Failed mail in ‘System.Exception’ Transition (Initialization - to End)
In that mail how can I mention the ‘missing asset name’.
While throwing the exception in throw activity you can add the message as shown below
And while sending the exception mail you can pass exception.message in the body
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@Gagan_Chaudhari Try below steps
- Use try catch for each asset activity that you are trying to get from Orchestartor
- In the catch define a variable with the asset name
- Pass this variable in the failed email that you are sending
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