In order to test the email settings you need to explicitly provide a password. The password can be empty

In order to test the email settings you need to explicitly provide a password. The password can be empty.

This error is appearing, does anyone know how to solve it? I am trying to configure the email to receive messages when errors occur from orchestrator robots.

I am also facing same issue. I am using gmail to configure the Email setting and getting error as shown in screenshot. Followed steps from ‘Setting Up Email Alerts’.

Please help if anyone know about this error.

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Hey all,

I had the same problem and ran into this post. But then I decided to take the error message at face value : even though I had provided a password, I tried to re-enter it (as if i was editing the password), then I clicked on Test Mail Settings (without Saving) and I did not see this message.

Check the Default From Address
It should be same as app generated one
Check both are same

Any solution for this? I am experiencing the same behavior, after re entering my password and testing again it works but then after saving and coming back to the page to test I get the same initial error message.