In my automation project, i need to pass the username and password for my application. How can i make this dynamic, so that others can use the same project passing their own credentials?

In my automation project, i need to pass the username and password for my application. How can i make this dynamic, so that others can use the same project passing their own credentials?

The best way i would suggest is to have an excel sheet like a config file, which is being utilized by the workflow to get the Username & Password.

There are anyway many ways to achieve this other than dealing with excel file like accepting the inputs from Input Dialog, Json file, assets etc.

Rammohan B.

HI @Mallika ,
For such case you can go for Credential Manager where you can manage your network based credentials . There are dedicated activities for requesting,adding ,deleting credentials
You can follow the link below to do the same

So,every time a new user starts working on you can have request credential to get the username and password,next you can store them as generic credential and then you can pick up the same throughout the flow.

Indrajit Banerjee.

But in an excel file I cannot expect my user to share his/her credentials right?
For assets, the Orchestrator comes into picture.
Anything that ca be achieve at the studio level it self?

So in the username password i need to pass the credentials right?so how does it work for 10 different users’ credentials ?
they need to open the project in studio and keep changing ??

May be ‘Request Credential’ activity will help. Have a look at that. It gives a popup asking username & password which you can then store into string variables and use for your workflow.

Rammohan B.