Hello Team @Palaniyappan @loginerror,
We (@abhay @sagaryeole) have automated an mailer process in which i have used images in body of email with hyperlinks (i.e. Facebook,Instagram etc Icon with Links).
I have used Base64 and ContentId methods for attaching images in body.But i have observed that the mails which are in same domain/server are able to see those Icons of Facebook,Instgram and so on. But outside domain/server unable to see those icons.
I am sending mail by using SMTP server (Server :smtpout.secureserver.net & Port:465)
I am able to see those icons in body in same domain/server say For my corporate internal email ids. But when i tried to send it outside my corporate server say in gmail id’s or other Corporate Circle , Mail sent successfully but images/Icons are not visible.
Here is ScreenShot for outside Circle: from abc@Cor1.com To abc@Gmail.com
For Internal Circle: From abc@Cor1.Com To pqr@Cor1.com
Here we have tried on
smtpout.secureserver.net to smtpout.secureserver.net : Successful
smtpout.secureserver.net to smtp.office365.com : Unsuccessful
Note: I want to send mails using SMTP only.