If string is there are not by using in IF

while i am trying to find the particular string is there are not its showing in IF condition like string to bool. can you help me with particular string condition for IF condition.

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Hey @meeraa

You want to check whether your string contains Pending

Is that correct ? And the statement looks ok


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Can you share what the warning is?


maybe a case insensitive check can help YourStringVar.ToUpper.Contains(“PENDING”)

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Plz try to output the variable strInput and see whats the output that you are getting, as you are using Get Full Text Activity. Also Cross check the Pending word is in casesensitive or not. If that is the case convert to Upper or to lower as @ppr mentioned.

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@meeraa Make sure StrInput is of type String

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Hover your mouse over the blue ! icon and post the error here. My guess is you scoped strInput to the Sequence that Get Full Text is in, so the variable isn’t available in the If activity’s scope.

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