If i didn't know the length of rows how can i set the count value in while loop

I want to take the row values one by one in web page. So i create a while loop and create a get text in that set the ColumnName as ColumnIndes default value as 2 because of i want from 2. and assign the activity count+1 for increament. But, I have a doubt in Condition section count<“…” what can i set between the doubt quotes to get the all rows in the cloumn?

Hi Santhosh,

Try to extract the table in the webpage by using Data scraping if we are able to get the table so that we can get the row count and also the values related to all the rows into a data table.

if we are unable to extract the table from web page we have to identify the rows some how in the web page like label contains the number of rows.

we can have maximum number of rows in the while condition to perform your activity but it is not best practice.


If we cannot use DataScraping, perhaps we should use not counter but result of element exists to exit loop as the following, for example.

The above will exit if next element doesn’t exist.


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In this web page i did not use the data scrap. By using the Count Example count<20, in some row only have 4 rows its created the error or what?