If Conditions Met

HI [Community]

I’m Having doubt,

Read data from Excel If conditions are met, that data should be written in the Word documents.

Please can any one help me with snapshots

Hello @Rohith_Shastri

Here what you can do is use Read rage activity to read the excel-> use filter data table activity and provide the conditions-> if DT2.Rows.Count>0 use word activity to write to word document.

DT2 is the filtered table.


Tqsm For Quick response

Please can you share me flow or snapshots.

Tqsm For Quick Response

Please can you share me flow or snapshots.

Hi @Rohith_Shastri
Here is 2 scenarios

1- If you want to put specific data from datatable
Follow this one
input (1).xlsx (8.8 KB)
Test.docx (11.7 KB)
Test_ExcelToDocs.xaml (10.5 KB)

2- If you want to put whole DateTable after applying condition
Then fallow these steps
TestExcelDataToWord.xaml (8.5 KB)
input (1).xlsx (8.8 KB)
Test.docx (12.8 KB)

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