If condition to get decimal values between o to -1

Hi everyone,

I have a excel with column ‘Variance’. I am looping through each excel row and I have a if condition ‘CurrentRow(“Variance”).ToInt < 0’. But it is not working for values between o to -0.50 and it is working if value is -0.6 and greater.

Thanks in advance!

we would recommend to parse it into a Double

Can you please provide it in if condition?

we dont know your details, but give a try at and use it within the If as a condition

CDbl(CurrentRow("Variance").ToString.Trim) < 0

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Hi @Rupesh_Parle

Try the below syntax:

CurrentRow("Variance").ToString.ToDouble < 0 And CurrentRow("Variance").ToString.ToDouble >= -1

Hope it helps!!