I have the problem that the following condition doesn’t work.
If the list “StichtagDateien” has at least one entry then do the assign activity.
You can see that the property value of the list contains [0] = null but the Else path won’t taken.
What I have to change that it jumps to the else path if the list has no entries like that.
I didn’t get your question exactly.
Your list always contain one value. If it is null, you have to jump to else loop. Is my understanding correct?
If yes, in that case use the following condition in the IF -
if v_Lstr_StichtagDateien.Count > 0 And v_Lstr_StichtagDateien(0) != null Then
//value is not null
//value is null
thanks but I have no headers in the list because it is no datatable. The Point is that my further activities are reading a Folder and there are files inside. If the Folder is not there or empty than the list has no entries and the conditon should be jump to the Else path (Throw exception).
Hi Akimbow ,
i had the same problem and i write not anymore “!=” this Condition. Also it is more better , if you write
(Not v_Lstr_StichtagDatetin = null) —> this is equals to “!=”
Maybe you can try with this