IE - Print Preview - Not able to select the dropdown


I am trying to save a website in PDF format on IE.

Above is the default setting, but I would like to choose below

I used the “Select Item” activity and “Send Hotkey” (Alt + f) and (“down”) activities, but the process couldn’t be completed. (No error messages, just stops)

When I use these keyboard shortcuts, I can successfully select “Only the selected frame” without touching my mouse.

Could you advise me on an alternate activity I could use to achieve this? or if I am using the activity wrongly, please let me know.

Thanks in advance!

a cross test was working at our end

Selector (unfortunately localized on title)

<html title='Druckvorschau' />
<webctrl id='selectFrameset' tag='SELECT' />

can you recheck / rewire the selector to the dropdown and check again (ensure that the preview dialog is already loaded)

Hello @PeruT,

You can use copy activity where you will need to supply two properties Source and dest paths.

  1. Source path - your website or webpage path
  2. Dest path - path where u want to save with .pdf extension


Where should I write the selector?

on select item activity select “indicate element…” and let point to the dropdown
afterwards the taken selector can be post edited e.g. within UiExplorer

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