I want to scrape link from excel, screenshot the product and paste in a powerpoint

Hey there I have an Idea and need a little bit of guide, where to start with, maybe with “Manage Packages” or some plug in, etc…

This is what I want to do:

I have an excel with lots of links.
One of the columns has a code EAN to identify products that are from different seller but same product.

I want to scrape the link of the product, take a screen shot of the image of the product and paste it in a power point presentation.
Then I want to do the same movement with the product that has the same EAN code and paste in the same power point page.

At the end I want each powerpoint page to have two screen shots of two products with same EAN.

I will make sure that the excel only has two EANs that will be the same.


This is how the steps would be to acheive it

Create a powerpoint page with two place holders for image on a page

  1. Read the data from excel and then first get all the unique names of products using assign with uniquedt = dt.DefaultView.ToTable("ProductNameColumn",True)
  2. Now use a for loop on uniquedt
  3. Inside loop use filter datatable and filter dt with productname = currentrow("Productname").ToString and get filtereddt
  4. Now navigate to both urls using go to url or use application/browser and then use take screenshot or if the image has link get the link using get attribute and then save the image to local .if you get link to inage then you can use http request directly and no ui is needed to download else go with ui and use take screenshot activity
  5. Now use copy paste slide to duplicate the already created plce holder slide
  6. Now use add image activity or replace image activity to replace the placeholder images with actual images

How to save file from url using http request

Hope this helps
