Here im going to pass the HELP TEXT in excel and loop through it. But there are more when we scroll. So it should loop through those elements as well.
The flow the while passing the help text it should see if the Value “Simple Trust” is Checked or Unchecked then write line.
It should also get Text of the element and write it.
Use extract datatable activity to extract the data as datatable.
Iterate the datatable with For each row in datatable.
In that activity use If condition if matches the condition
Inside the If condition use the click activity instead of check\uncheck activity.
Store the currentrow in a variable and pass the variable in the selectors of the click activity.
If you want to scroll use mouse scroll along with the click activity.
If you’re looping through a datatable that’s not correct. You have to edit the text of the selector. Copy/Paste it from the selector property in the activity into Notepad. Then edit that last part…
If you are using the check/uncheck activity you don’t need to Get Attribute first with an If. The Check/Uncheck activity does that part for you. It’s not like a Click where it just Clicks it no matter what. If you tell it to check the box it checks it only if it’s not already checked.
Then change the click activity to check\uncheck activity but in activity make the action to check.
If it is already checked it wouldn’t do anything if it is unchecked it will check the option.
I found a solution to your query. Use the get attribute activity to get the attribute here take the attribute of checked. The output of attribute is saved in string datatype and change it to Boolean datatype.
Take an If condition and check the output attribute is true or false
I have done the workflow for your understanding, check the below workflow. Excel_Demo.xaml (23.4 KB)