I want to kill a popup from csrss.exe

I want to kill a error message popup from csrss.exe.
Csrss.exe is unaccessable via UiPath since it is a core file of Windows (even if excute in manager mode)
Is there any way to do it?

batch file? or… any other process out of UiPath?

Hey @hoseongwon

There is an activity called Kill Process,

Hope it helps you out

csrss.exe is windows core file.
We are not supposed to kill that process.

I just want to kill a popup from that process.

Have you tried Check app state activity and whenever the popup appears , click on close or some other button in the popup

do you want to handle pop up by code wise or don’t want pop up like stop from application wise ?


Check app state’s selector barely got the popup element.
(I put “*” to instead of filename “csrss.exe”)

to click on close button, I have to catch the button with "use application/browser"activity.
but in the check app state activity, "use application/browser"activity could not get the popup.
(that activity’s selector does not allow “*”)

So, I need to find other way to selector get it.

I did not understand exactly what you meant. “Code wise” vs “application wise”? what is the difference?

I prefer application. to use “start process” activity. :slight_smile:


Did you try changing the mode to active accessibility and check if you are able to identify the required pop up?

Can you show a screenshot of the pop up or how the pop up is being identified?

If the pop up is being identified in check app state then we can try using shortcut keys as well to handle it


I already tried it. AA mode. and even tried to get it with image recognition.

Oh that looks brilliant. keyboard shortcut. The pop up will response ESC Key.
but Keyboard shortcut activity should be used in use application/browser activity.
how can I do it?


In use application browser you can give whole window and send the keys as well…it is not mandatory to give any element in keyboard shortcuts

or use classic activities which does not required use application or browser and send the hotkey needed


Can you tell me in use application activity how to give whole windows? what can I put to target?

check app state could barely get the popup with this.

measure: image
‘wnd app=’*’ cls=‘#32770’ title=‘fxxing stupid popup’ ’

(* is used instead of “csrss.exe”)


You can just indicate your application and it would ideally take the exe file without any selector …that also will do


That is the problem. UiPath has no authorization to access “csrss.exe” file. that is why I am struggling with. even if I excute UiPath in manager right.


Don’t indicate then just pass the exe file and give no identifier and check

and If not identified then how are you trying to automate the screens?

and did you try with classic activity where no selector is needed it passes to the active window


ok I will try to classic activity. How can I use it? should I have to add a package? I can not see classic activities in my activities


Activities → filter icon-> classic
