I want to invoke "invoke workflow" in the terminal, but it always fails. Is there any way to achieve it?


  1. what do you mean by fails? Any specific error?
  2. what is the error for datarow argument in the image
  3. if you have checked isolate option in invikeworkflow activity, you cannot pass DataRow type as argument as it cannot be serialized.Instead pass the whole datatable.

Was this issue fixed? I met same issue. In terminal session, when I invoked workflow, it returned connection error. Looks like the output connection wasnot working.

Hi, If you leave you E-mail,I will send a demo.


I am facing the same issue in my system. could you please share me the right steps. it will be really helpful. thanks in advance.

My Email id : Harsh.wiz@gmail.com

Hi Zhulong,

Can you please share the demo to my email as well - pdevakumar@gmail.com

Hi Zhulong,

Can you please share the demo to my email as well - smpfazil@gmail.com
