I want to build a "check Inventory" workflow by the orders

Hi, I am a newone.
Does here any one could help me create a workflow for check Inventory by the orders?
I have been tried many days, but I think it is too difficult for me.:cry:

The data as below link.

The process is:
step1 : Combine the 【orders file】to【order sheet】. Only need “Date”,“Client No”,“item number”,“item”,“amount” column.

step2 : Compare the item amount with 【Inventory】. If the amount in the【Inventory】 < the amount in【order sheet】, the column named "Inventory status
" is need to show --the inventory is only “the number from the 【Inventory】”.

I am so appreciated for your help.

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@Jean_Chiou Please check below zip file and you can find output in details excel file.

check inventory.zip (39.8 KB)

Hi @Manjuts90

Thank you very much. You really help me !!